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Who We Are

In 2019, AHCCCS Targeted Investments Program (TIP) team partnered with quality improvement, data science, and clinical informatics experts at Arizona State University (ASU) to evaluate TI-participating Providers’ performance on select quality measures and assist providers in improving performance.

The group from ASU formed the TIP Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) team.

The purpose of TIP QIC is to help TI-participating providers meet and exceed TIP Years 4-6 performance measure targets.

What We Do
  • Provide data feedback and benchmarking through personalized dashboards updated monthly
  • Educate TI participants on and assist with quality improvement (QI) strategies and techniques
  • Distribute best practices and facilitate peer learning
  • Aid TI participants’ with improving internal reporting processes and identifying areas for improvement
  • Assist with efficient onboarding new staff to TIP
  • Adapt services and resources to meet TI participants’ needs
  • Maximize the opportunity to achieve performance measure targets
  • Provide Continuing Education (CE) credits for Medical, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, and Interprofessional certifications

Ready to get started?

Review the TI 2.0 Welcome Packet on the AHCCCS TI website.