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On this page, find tools and services provided by the TIP QIC team to help you improve your performance on the TI measures that affect your annual TI incentive payment. Read on for more details.
TIP Online Projects (Canvas)
Canvas Account Instructions
We are using Canvas for the online learning and projects in TIPQIC. To access the curriculum, you'll need to create a free account with Canvas.Here are the instructions for creating your free Canvas account:
- Go to Canvas Instructure log in page: "https://canvas.instructure.com/".
- Click on “Need a Canvas Account? Click Here, it’s Free”.
- Choose "Student".
- Create your free account, using this code: MWDPFN.
- Follow the instructions for activating your Canvas account.
If you need assistance with creating an account or accessing the curriculum, please send an email to TIPQIC@asu.edu.
TIP Best Practice Audit Guides
We have developed process audit guides for TI-participating Providers to assist with evaluating their overall quality improvement (QI) systems, as well as measure-specific processes.
AHCCCS Root Cause at Scale (ARCS) Analyses
We are analyzing AHCCCS claims and other data to assist TI-participating Providers in identification of potential key areas of improvement on their TI performance measures. Provider-specific findings are available to TI-participating Providers through their TIPQIC Dashboards. Please feel free to provide feedback and ideas to TIPQIC@asu.edu.
- Watch this short video for an introduction and example of how to benefit from the ARCS analyses, which we anticipate being a useful resource in your quality improvement efforts and the QI Workgroups.
Read these guides for assistance on how to access and make use of the ARCS dashboards.
Validate Internal Report Data / Data Harmonization
Interested providers can work with the TIP QIC team to examine AHCCCS members or member hospitalization events eligible for each measure and attributed to their organization through a member list comparison. Providers will receive a summary report that includes member-level details for each measure explored. Results will help to:
- Explore and explain differences in denominators and performance to identify reporting gaps
- Ensure consistent view of improved trends
- Identify process errors
- Identify additional members each practice is held accountable for
To validate your internal reports, TI Providers need to:
- Create CSV (comma delimited) files with member IDs for each TI Program measure of interest. Files need to follow the specified file structure and naming convention to ensure timely turn-around time.
- Instructions for providers: File Structure and Naming Convention
- Setup a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) with ASU for the secure delivery and receipt of data with the TIP QIC team. This method of data transfer meets HIPAA security requirements and ensures security of the data being transmitted.
- Instructions for providers:
- Email TIPQIC@asu.edu the static IP address for the system you will use to upload data to and download data from the SFTP, as well as the contact information for the person who will be completing the file transfer.
- After receipt of the static IP address and other contact information, the ASU TIPQIC Team will work with ASU's ASRE to setup the SFTP account. Please note, this may take several days to complete.
- When the account is ready, the ASU TIPQIC Team will provide your contact with your organization's SFTP account name and password.
- At that point, please follow these ASU SFTP Instructions to connect to the SFTP account. Upload your files to the "Incoming" folder in the SFTP account.
- When you have uploaded the CSV files to your designated SFTP account, email us at tipqic@asu.edu to schedule a meeting to review results.
- Files shared with you from the ASU TIPQIC Team can be found in the "Outgoing" folder.
- Use the resulting summary report to better understand the measure, identify gaps in your reports and/or claims we may be missing, identify process errors, identify additional members your practice is held accountable for, etc.
Experiencing technical issues with these steps? Please e-mail tipqic@asu.edu. Most technical issues can be addressed via e-mail.
Individualized Coaching / Technical Assistance
Individualized coaching and expert consultation are available for all TI-participating Providers. Please e-mail TIPQIC@asu.edu if you would like to schedule a Technical Assistance meeting to review Quality Improvement (QI) strategies and techniques, consult on Organization's QI approach or strategy (big picture or specific). Purpose is to provide expert consultation to help develop Organizations' skills in QI strategies and techniques, and troubleshoot challenges.
Quality Improvement Collaboratives (QICs)
Please see the QIC Meetings page for upcoming QIC sessions and archive of past QIC recordings and slides.
Quality Improvement Workgroups (QIWs) - Archive
The Quality Improvement Workgroups were a requirement for TI 1.0. The QI Workgroups were intensive work sessions designed to assist TI providers on improving their metrics related to TIP measures.
The QI Workgroups were organized as follows:
- QIW #1 - Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (FUH) Measures: Adult PCP/BH Providers
- QIW #2 - Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (FUH) Measures: Pediatric BH Providers
- QIW #3 - Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visits (W15, W34, AWC) Measures: Pediatric PCPs
- QIW #4 - Diabetes Screening (SSD)/Metabolic Monitoring (APM) for People on Antipsychotic Medications Measures: Adult PCPs/BH Providers & Pediatric BH Providers
QI Workgroup #1: February/March/April 2022
Adult PCP/BH: FUH 7 & 30 Day
- Session #1: Monday, February 7th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #2: Monday, February 21st, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #3: Monday, March 7th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #4: Monday, March 21st, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #5: Monday, April 4th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #6: Monday, April 18th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
QI Workgroup #2: February/March/April 2022
Peds BH: FUH 7 & 30 Day
- Session #1: Monday, February 14th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #2: Monday, February 28th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #3: Monday, March 14th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #4: Monday, March 28th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #5: Monday, April 11th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #6: Monday, April 25th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
QI Workgroup #3: April/May/June 2022
Peds PCP: Well-Care Visits
- Session #1: Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #2: Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #3: Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #4: Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #5: Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #6: Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
QI Workgroup #4: April/May/June 2022
Adult PCP/BH & Peds BH: Diabetes Screening / Metabolic Monitoring
- Session #1: Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #2: Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #3: Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording, Slide Templates PPT )
- Session #4: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #5: Wednesday, June 8th, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )
- Session #6: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022 ( Agenda, Slides, Recording )